Saturday, April 3, 2010

40 Is the New 60

Since moving to Anacortes, 40 is the new 60. Why?
1. Because I got distracted by God-knows-what when I got home from the grocery store, I wound up leaving two packages of frozen salmon on the downstairs kitchen floor (don't tell my mother). Three hours later I remembered what I'd done and dashed downstairs to save the fish and my cozy kitchen floor. To my surprise, both packages were still frozen hard, and I was left to reconsider my definition of cozy.
2. You know, in SoCal, if you're going to make a right or left hand turn, you better be snappy, or you'll either lose your opportunity or you'll end up in a wreck. So it took me a while to realize that Anacortes traffic is too slow to hit anyone, and that if I spotted a car half a block away, I had another five minutes before it would even be close to me.
3. In SoCal I loved those prepackaged salads, especially the Taco Fiesta one that always sold at Pavilions for five bucks. Up here, they're only three. And that's typical for food. I can't believe my grocery bills. I feel like I'm paying a water bill. Gas and wine, not so much. In fact, wine is a good 30% higher, and gas is about the same.
4. We went to the DMV and the state licensing board, and we were the only people in line. Maybe the joke's on us; Washingtonians never use the DMV. But I doubt it.
5. It rains a lot, but there's plenty of sunlight. No one around here uses an umbrella, because the rain doesn't pour and make big puddles. It's just kind of wet, but not noisy wet.

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